Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Year Later

Exactly a year ago, I visited The Little House for the first time.  (The Little House is  one of the houses in our Children's Village. Itt is home to 12 of our orphans.)  I came into that trip to Cap-Haitien feeling nervous and unsure about moving to a big city where I didn't know anyone and had no community waiting for me.  But when I left at the end of that trip, I felt confirmed and excited about the journey ahead.

How appropriate that today - exactly a year later - I visited The Little House and watched the movie Tangled with those same kids.

"Why is Tangled significant?" you ask.  Because Tangled is all about following your dreams.  You know the boat scene just before Rapunzel sees the floating lanterns?  Before coming to Haiti the first time in 2012, I watched that scene and felt exactly the way Rapunzel did.

What if my dream isn't everything I hoped it would be?  And what if it is?  What then?

Now, two and a half years after that first trip to Haiti and a year after my first visit to The Little House, I get to answer those questions.

It was everything I hoped it would be.  And then I got a new dream.  A dream to move to Haiti and teach orphans.

And now I'm living the dream.

Huddling around my laptop, watching Tangled while I translate.

"Go. Live your dream."

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