Monday, October 21, 2013

Best 2 weeks of my life

My two weeks in Haiti were literally the best two weeks of my life...and I'm not exaggerating! Here are the highlights:

St. Louis du Nord

Pure bliss.

*Playing Uno every day.
*Spontaneous dance parties.
*My Haitian brothers asking me to pray for them.
*Drawing water from the well and carrying it back on my head.
*Learning to "penyen" (braid Haitian hair)
*Lying in the front courtyard, watching the stars.

**Seeing Rit smile, hearing Gildine laugh, holding Janide while we watched the rain, catching Laisa in a running hug**

After over a year, I found my heart right where I left it.

Cap-Haitien (Kids Alive International)

So many new things!

*Meeting my students...seeing their faces, hearing them laugh, watching them run and play, pushing them on the swings, helping them tie their shoes.
*Discussing my job description with the school Director...I will be teaching Kindergarten!!
*Being asked to start a dance program after school!! ((Talk about confirmation of where God wants me!))
*Feeling many of my uncertainties slip away as I fell in love with these kids:

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