For the past two years, I have had the privilege of using my blog to share my story for National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. This year, rather than doing daily blogs, I decided to do daily videos. If you missed seeing them on Facebook, you can check them out below!
Introduction - This video talks about why EVERYONE needs to be aware of eating disorders. Yes, everyone includes YOU. (You over there who thinks you aren't affected by eating disorders, I'm talking to you!) Click here to watch.
Day 1 - This video discusses the most dangerous myth about eating disorders. Click here to watch.
Day 2 - On day 2, I talked about hidden warning signs that aren't as obvious as we pretend they are. Click here to watch.
Day 3 - What would it be like if we actually LOVED our bodies? This video comes with a challenge to reconsider the way you think about and talk about your body. Click here to watch.
Day 4 - A deeply personal but extremely important video about the role that exercise and self-harm play in eating disorders. Click here to watch.
Day 5 - This video talks about the fact that recovery is possible, but it isn't one-size-fits-all. These are some common barriers to recovery and how they can be overcome. Click here to watch.
Day 6 - I have been told that a person never fully recovers from an eating disorder. This is a MYTH! Watch this video to hear about full recovery and COMPLETE freedom. Click here to watch.
Day 7 - None of these videos matter if you don't walk away changed. Here is a challenge for changing the way you think about, talk about, and interact with eating disorders. Click here to watch.
To everyone who has supported me through NEDA week, to everyone who watched, commented, liked, and shared, to everyone who took the time to look at eating disorders with fresh eyes: THANK YOU. I couldn't have done it without you.
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