Friday, March 24, 2017

Confession: I am discouraged

I almost didn't post this blog.  I almost decided it was better to hide behind the cute pictures and happy smiles and "everything's great when you're a missionary" facade.  But then I decided that there's nothing more beautiful than being real and honest and broken.  So here's the blog post I almost didn't publish...


If you look at my Facebook page, you'll see pictures of cute kids with big smiles and a happy teacher.  You'll see crafts and Bible verses, cupcakes and dance routines.  You'll see a whole lot of happy.

And all of that is true.

But what you see on Facebook is only 5% of my reality...and usually the best 5%.  What you don't see are the late nights I spend on my knees begging God for direction and not understanding why I can't hear His voice.  You don't see the fears and the heartache and the questions and the doubt.  You don't see the tears that make me human or the heart that makes me real.

So here I am - just me and my heart and a whole lot of messy honesty.  Because the truth is that right now, I am discouraged.

I'm discouraged because God has given me a vision.  It's an amazing vision, but a vision that not everyone shares.

I'm discouraged because I feel forgotten.  Because texts, phone calls, emails, and Skype dates are few and far between.  Because after three years, no one bothers to send cards or care packages anymore.

I'm discouraged because saying hello to something new means saying goodbye to something I love.  And I simply don't want to do that.

I'm discouraged because I don't feel brave or strong or inspiring or any of the other things I want for myself.

I'm discouraged because words of encouragement are scarce and I wonder if it's because I'm doing something wrong.

I'm discouraged because even though I haven't lived with depression for a very long time, there are days it still tugs at the corner of mind, trying to get back in.

I'm.  Just.  Discouraged.

And I hesitate to tell you all of this because I don't want you to think I'm complaining.  I don't want you to think I don't love my life.  I don't want you to think I can't handle everything God has blessed me with.

But I tell you it anyway because I want you to know that I'm human.  That I'm real.  That being a "missionary" doesn't make me a superhero.  And it certainly doesn't keep me from getting discouraged.


  1. Courage and prayers. You are not alone. Praying for your transition time because it is hard. Change means pain...even good change. Lean on His strength. He LOVES our messy selves.

  2. Erin, I would never wish your heartache for you but your brutal honesty is so refreshing. As you process thru and work thru your ache and burden with the Lord, know in your heart our Father is trustworthy. Trustworthy with the sweet smiles, trustworthy with your deepest pain and secrets, trustworthy with your journey. I too have been in this place in my spirit recently and my only hope and help has been to inundate my brain and heart with the Word. It is full of laments, heartaches, joys, and how God met people. I recently was reading in 1Samuel when Elkanah and Hannah were at the temple. Hannah poored out her grief to the Lord and it brought freedom. Not an immediate fix but He did eventually answer. She had certainly done this many times over the years. Don't give up on hearing His voice. Sometimes He holds off so we are ready to hear Him. I love your heart and I will be praying. Thanks for being honest so others can join you where you are.

  3. Thank you for sharing your heart, dear girl. You challenge my heart to be more faithful to hold you up in prayer.

  4. Thanks for sharing, Erin. We will hold you up in prayer. Please let us know how the new "post" is going once you get settled.
