Saturday, February 21, 2015

Not Everyone with an Eating Disorder...

Not everyone with an eating disorder is underweight.
Not everyone with an eating disorder gets diagnosed.
Not everyone with an eating disorder stops eating.
Not everyone with an eating disorder is a teenage girl.
Not everyone with an eating disorder knows they have one.

I didn’t know.

Even when I was skipping meals, exercising for hours on end, counting calories, counting bites, losing weight, and even losing hair…I still didn’t know.

I remember feeling completely and utterly alone, but being too scared – and too stubborn – to tell anyone what I was going through.

That’s why I’m writing this blog post – because I refuse to be scared and stubborn anymore.  I refuse to stand by and let others feel completely and utterly alone just because no one’s talking about it.

So let’s start talking.

National Eating Disorder Awareness week starts tomorrow and in honor of it I will be blogging every day for 7 days about eating disorder awareness and about my experience with anorexia.



1 comment:

  1. Erin, thanks for writing this. I this it's wonderful you're addressing this topic. It's so needed!
