Jehovah Jireh. God provides.
This weekend, I hosted a large spaghetti dinner to raise support for Haiti. I was completely blown away by God's provision and by the love and support of my church family.
Prior to Saturday night, I spent some time reading through the passages where Jesus multiplies a few fish and a little bread to feed thousands. I truly felt like He did the same this weekend! With a guest list of 55 plus an estimated 20 volunteers, I planned on cooking for 90.
Well over 100 people showed up!
By the time I found out that we were running out of food, one of my volunteers was already back from the store with more supplies!
I know that Jesus' disciples didn't run to the grocery store when they needed to feed thousands, but Jesus provided food both then and on Saturday night at my spaghetti dinner.
Jehovah Jireh. God provides.
I had the most incredible team of volunteers that took care of absolutely everything for me so that I could spend time with my guests. I have no idea what problems came up during the event because my volunteers were on top of things the entire time. After the event, I barely had time to blink and everything was cleaned up.
Jehovah Jireh. God provides.
As I look ahead to the many things that I have yet to do and the money I have yet to raise, I must confess that I am overwhelmed and confused. But in a good way. In a way that makes me depend completely on God. In a way that makes me call on His name:
Jehovah Jireh. God provides.
so thankful everything went so well! i know that God WILL provide for you as you continue to seek Him with your whole heart (Jeremiah 29:13).