words were penned by Jamie Tworkowski, founder of the non-profit organization
To Write Love on Her Arms. Today, a day
set aside to honor and celebrate love, I can’t think of any truer words.
Love is the most powerful force on the planet.
if we lived like these words were true? What
if in politics, relationships, orphan care, and every other area of life, we
embraced the power of love? What if we
allowed it to transform how we treat people?
What if we allowed it to transform how we treat ourselves?
before time began, God has been proof that love is everything.
the moment He created mankind in His own image, God has shown us that love is
the day you were born, God has spent every day teaching you that love is
Jesus came to earth, lived a life of unconditional love, and died on the cross,
He gave us the perfect example of the fact that love is everything.
love is eternal. Infinite. Unconditional. Perfect.
Strong. And powerful. As
a matter of fact, it’s the most powerful force on the planet.
do we live love in our classroom?
live love when we help each other understand hard concepts.
We live love when we apologize through tears of remorse and when we forgive with ease.
live love with acts of kindness.
We live love when we pray for others – when we pray for America, Haiti, hurricane victims, and Anna’s baby brother who has been in the hospital for a month.
live love when we proclaim affirmations over ourselves every morning (self-love
is an often-overlooked, but extremely important aspect of love.)
live love every day because God is love and we are His and therefore His love
is in us and through us and among us. The
bottom line is: we are called to love.
To love God. To love others. To love ourselves. To love as eternally and infinitely and
unconditionally as we are capable of. To
love completely and imperfectly. To just
Valentine’s Day.